Sunday 9 February 2014

335. Fashion Apprentice.

As my time as an apprentice at Hof was drawing to a close, I made it very clear to my team that I wanted to stay on. Two months before the end of my contract I was determined to become a full timer after the course finished. Worrying about having to find a new job in this crap economic climate, I had to make sure that they didn't want to let me go. 

Having spent nearly a year and a half at Hof, I have made myself well established within the business. During my time I had made friends with security, HR, Guest services and the whole of Womenswear, fashion accessories and the design; it's good to feel like a valued member of the business. Being able to take responsibility for roles such as organising meetings, sample sales and parties I displayed that I was capable at exceeding the expectations of my job. Being confident is also key but knowing when to hold back is too. Being able to express my opinions without sounding obnoxious and offensive is very important, finding that balance is important. 

After learning and acquiring many skills during my time, one point last week I was pulled aside by my manager and was told they wanted to make me full time! This was pretty much a huge moment for me and I was pretty ecstatic. I will be a fully fledged full time with a normal pay as of March! Amen!! My year of endless interning and working seven days a week and a year and a half long apprenticeship has paid off. I have a job and I don't have a degree. It can be done. And let me tell you, I have no debt. Sorry students, imma have to rub that in your face for a teeny bit.


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