Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Intern at Rainbow Wave - Perks

So i've been working at Rainbow Wave for about two months now. It's been quiet still but it's slowly getting busy with new collections arriving and such. Everything is a bit of a haze at the moment, working 7 days a week is ridiculously tiring but i've got use to it (I work at Boots saturday and sundays, this wardrobe doesn't fund itself). I've had to deliver shoes for Lara Stone and Suzanne Ribeiro, walked in on photoshoots and entered Vogue house which was filled with pretty girls awaiting to be interviewed, I could feel them staring at the bags of Carven I was carrying. 

The new Tucker collection arrived and they have the most delicious coats this winter, is it bad im considering spending £300 on a coat when I'm on a weekend salary? Justifyable? I don't think so. However I was very lucky that my feet are size 37 and happen to be the sample size of shoes, as Ancient Greek Sandals old collection needed to be rid of. So all the samples had to go and I managed to nab myself two pairs and a pair for the mother, was pretty happy as they retail for about £130. Saves me buying my summer sandals, really classic and beautifully made.

Buy Me

The weather has been so beautiful this week and our building is incredible with this weather, we have a roof we can eat lunch and sunbath on as well as a balcony that overlooks the canal. In the afternoon our showroom manager came round and treated us with ice lollies, that's how nice working there is! So i've been trying to chase up payments all week, I'm telling you guys now, it's horrible! I've never disliked foreign people so much! They a) don't answer their phone b) don't speak English c) phone number doesn't work. It feels like i'm not getting anywhere or doing anything, so frustrating.
 However from next week I will be working in press, this is scary. The intern who is about to leave (Hannah) is preparing me for it. Although everything's crazy as a new press lady will be changing things up on Monday. And from what Hannah has taught me so far it sounds hectic and a lot of responsibility with a lot to stay on top of. Maybe it's what I finally need.

This week has been so hot and I won't lie, we've been sunbathing on the roof of our offices and chilling on the balcony. Last friday two interns left us and it was a colleagues birthday. So we had a little celebration and spend the afternnon sipping pimms, eating giant cupcakes and chilling, not a bad place to work at all!

 Me and Jessie.  
Yes I'm looking pretty trampy, I know.

The marshmellow top was actually glittery and pretty darn delicious!


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