Sunday 23 February 2014

338. Fashion Apprentice.

My time as an apprentice is nearly up, with only two weeks left to go I'm taking full advantage of my Thursday nights before I become a full timer. I know many of you guys like me want a job in fashion. Well here are my top tips to making a good impression and securing a job.

1. Be enthusiastic. - Ok so this may be a generic one that everyone goes on about, but showing that you're interested in the job shows you want to be there and that you are taking your position seriously no matter how big or small the job is.

2. Be friendly and confident. - Now I understand it's always a little intimidating meeting a new team of people but you need to make the effort to get to know your colleagues and team members, it just makes life so much easier. Don't be scared to approach people, and ask their name! Not gonna bite ya.

3. Perfection. - As I said you should be enthusiastic about any job big or small but you must also finish it to perfection. Finishing jobs so they are absolutely perfect is absolute key, don't let anyone find a glitch. However don't be afraid to ask them to check that what you're doing is right, it's ok if you make a mistake just correct it!

4. Stay focused. - Don't let anything distract you whilst doing a job, I'm easily distracted but I've learnt to focus and multi-task a little. You may get asked to do three jobs at once so prioritise and focus on getting the job done.

5. Persistence. - Don't ever give up, you will get there eventually. I've mopped floors, taken out trash but I've also sat front row at fashion shows. Sticking at a job until the end shows your dedicated and not just a flake.

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